Welcome to MadisonRiverFlies.com's 1st blog entry. We will be posting regularly. We hope you will enjoy our blog sent right here from the banks of the fabled Madison River at Campfire Lodge!
Spring time has arrived here on the Madison and the wildflowers are blooming, the insects are hatching and the trout are feeding!
The Madison River is at normal flows and and has some color but definitely clear enough to fish after period of rain last week. Some of the most successful patterns have been:
- Jake's Bacon & Eggs
- Otter's Soft Hatching Eggs
- Tungsten Death Metal PT's
- Varigated Flexi-Girdle Bugs
- Jake's Flash-a-Midge
- Baetis
- and Salmonfly & Golden Stonefly nymphs, and egg patterns
We have loads of these flies in stock!!
Until next time, see you on the water!